I am Laura Burdick,and I am a teacher at the hot room. I teach Original Hot Yoga right now, but I have taught Original Hot Yoga, Hot Power Vinyasa, and Pilates. I also help lead the leadership institute with all the teacher training programs.
Can you share a favorite memory from your time at THR in the last ten years?
I have so many memories. As a student, I would say my favorite memories are some of the interactive classes we’ve had where I really got a teacher to break down what I was doing to really help me drive home a new posture to the next level. But as an employee at The Hot Room, I have so many great interactions with so many of the staff members that work here. And as managing staff, I have had so many really amazing people who just shine and come through as great teachers and great employees.
How has THR community affected you, your life, your lifestyle?
The hot room community really became my community because I started as a student and enjoyed interacting with people in the locker room and in class while seeing some similar faces. And once I became an employee here, it really became my life because it was so empowering and motivating. Everyone was after a goal and wanted something, so they were here to make sure that they got it. That was really motivating as an individual and as a staff member to push myself to the next level because so many people around me were doing the same thing.
Is there anything you’d like to say to THR community, staff, leadership, Hye Jin and Ash?
A message for the community would be to keep doing this. Keep practicing. Stay on your mat because it will help you and you’ll improve so many aspects of your life if you stay grounded in your Yoga and Pilates practice. To Ash and Hye Jin, I just say thank you! For opening the doors and creating a space where we can practice but also thank you for how pivotal you’ve been in my life as a person and as a professional. Thank you so much!
What is your hope for the next ten years? In your practice, our community, growth of THR, etc?
I would love to see The Hot Room continue to blossom and go to new cities and open new doors. And, for my role especially with the leadership institute, I would love to see teacher training take off and incorporate people from across the nation who want to be Yoga teachers. By tapping into what we have to offer and taking The Hot Room to lots of places in the nation.